Saturday, July 21, 2007

"Ever heard the question "How will I be graded?"

Throughout this course I have learned a lot about the Instructional Design Process. In my teaching career, I have taught infants to adults and evaluating them is always a very important. Learner assessment is crucial to lesson planning. When planning assessment strategies I ask myself questions. What is the age of the learner? Are the goals and objectives attainable and measurable? How will I measure success? During and after the instruction I am I ask myself, "Is this going well?" or "Did that go as planned?" Evaluating yourself and your students before, during, and after instruction is what separates good teachers from great teachers. Another determining factor is the ability to adapt instruction "on the fly." In my teaching, I try to adapt my evaluations to best meet the needs of all my students. One example of this is I use in my classroom is anonymous surveys and questionnaires. This allows learners to voice their opinion about instruction in a non-threatening way. I then analyze them and plan accordingly. Obviously, since I teach 740+ students a week, it is not always feasible, but I try to give the learner's this chance as mush as I can. Lastly, Formative and Summative Evaluations are important everyone involved: instructors, learners, clients, and subject matter experts.

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