Saturday, July 7, 2007

"ABCD Objectives and Me"

After reading the articles about objectives, I thought about my process for creating quality objectives for my classroom. Objectives are at the core of every lesson. Knowing the audience, behavior, condition, and degree are crucial to creating great lessons. Through the years I have created a process for objectives. Early on in my career I learned that having a multiple goals for a lesson is important. Since I teach five sections of each grade level in an elementary school setting , I have the opportunity to teach the same lesson multiple times per week. This allows me to continually tweak my objectives. Obviously, classes do not move through objectives at the same rate, so I adapt my lessons, by adding what I call "Enhancement Objectives." These are extra credit assignments for students who complete material ahead of the alloted time. I also have "Review Objectives," these objectives are for students who are struggling with the main assignment. The third type of objective I use in my lessons are the "Main Objectives." The main objectives are very much in line with the NC Standard Course Of Study. Since I teach in a computer lab I try to keep things current and on the cutting edge. Every year I purchase new technologies and adapt my teaching to help my students accomplish goals and objectives. Overall, I feel objectives are the the driving force of my lessons.


teacher5 said...

Teaching five sections of each grade level is challenging but in a way is a good thing. By the time you get to your fifth section, I bet your lesson is out of this world! I'm like you in that I constantly "tweak" my lessons. I usually only teach two groups but my lesson is never exactly the same the second time. I am not very good at actually writing my objectives down but I know what I want my students to know at the conclusion of a lesson. You do what I think a good teacher should do and that is your "enhancement objectives". You have enrichment assignments for the students that finish early. We have those few all the time that we struggle with and wonder, "What do I do now?" After taking this course, I do see that I need to work on my objective writing and when school starts back I intend to make that one of my things to work on in my individual growth plan. Thanks for the insight on your objectives.

rather_be_diving_than_edtc6020 said...

Creating objectives can allow a teacher to become creative in nature, so that each student’s learning needs are being met. I really like your three types of objectives. Teachers are always being told about the standard course of study, which doesn’t always fit the needs of your students. Each child comes into the classroom with various backgrounds of knowledge and sometimes it is important to teach foundational skills prior to teaching the standard course of study. You have created a latter of objectives to each child and I believe that probably encourages your students to do their best and even aim for the beyond.

Audrey C. said...

Ryan, I love what you do for your students! The enhancement, review, and main objectives are great ways to see to it that ALL of your students are LEARNING! I’ve always had so many different types of learners in the classroom and I see how important it is to provide instruction in many different styles. Your “average” students could benefit from learning from the main objectives where as a “slower” learner would need those review objectives. And an AG student could extend their learning by applying those enhancement objectives. It sounds like you have a good handle on things. I’d love to come see some of the technologies you’ve introduced to your students!